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Personal Statement - Graduate Entry Medicine (Part 3/3)

The third and final part of our Personal Statement Series is here, written by The Sassy Medic. This piece is targeted to those who are applying for graduate entry medicine.

The structure of your personal statement will not be that different from an A-level applicant, it is the content and your perspective that is likely to change. Here are a few GEM specific tips bur feel free to have a read of my previous articles too!

  1. Make a list of things you think you should include (this is likely to change when you start writing)

  2. A good structure is really important, you should try to include 4 sections each covering a different aspect:

  3. Why medicine? Why now?

  4. What experience do you have? Any previous degrees / careers?

  5. What are your extracurricular interests?

  6. Closing statement

  7. Your opening section should be powerful, with more life experience it is expected you have a very good reason as to why you have decided to apply for graduate entry Medicine. Your insight into the career should show through.

  8. In section 2 you should still be including relevant experience and what you have learnt from it, but you should also address your past degrees or careers. This is where perspective is really important. Your pervious degree or career doesn’t necessarily have to be in the same field (though for some universities it does) – it’s more about what it has taught you as a person.

  9. Have you been a part of any university or work sports team? This might not seem relevant, but medicine is a tough degree, so you need to show a work-life balance.

  10. Be confident! You have achieved all the things you have because of determination and perseverance.

  11. Key words are great! Here are a few I like:

  • Holistic

  • Communication

  • Insight

  • Vocation

  • Perseverance

  • Practitioners

  1. As with any personal statement ensure all spelling and grammar is correct before submitting.

Wishing you all the best with your personal statements! Remember we offer our Step2State service that involves unlimited reviews for your personal statement once you’ve written it. Get in touch via our website or email if you are interested.

As always, if you have any questions please email us and the tutors are available daily to help you with any queries you may have.

This piece was written by The Sassy Medic (Instagram @the.sassy.medic), and reviewed by Dr Pooja Devani, Step2Med.

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